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WHO is Oqbah?
tell us about your self?

Oqbah is a Jordanian translator and researcher. with a Passion for books, translation, art, teaching ,writing, and a lot of things; you can't describe Oqbah in one word. 


wearing more than one hat allowed him to play different roles. he was an English teacher at MOE who aimed to let  his students to learn the English language not as a curriculum but as a language as he believes that love is a contagious feeling. he has been teaching English since 2017 and Holds a Diploma from queen Rania teacher Academy for teachers before service too.



Being a teacher and a trainer too taught him to be a long-life learner who wants to learn more and more. he holds a bachelor's degree in translation from Yarmouk University, and recently he finsihed his  MA thesis . yes, he is a workaholic person. his goal in this life is to find peace as he does like to describe it as the Will Smith actor in the movie the pursuit of happiness, but he needs to pursue peace and spread it wherever he goes to leave it as his footprint on this planet.




as a translator, Oqbah wears the hat of translator, interpreter, subtitler, localizer, designer, content writer, proofreader,editor, podcaster, and coder too. 

he is a different translator that he does have the mentality of a modern translator who is professional in using all kinds of cat tools. 

being a translator leads him to be lost between languages and worlds in a way he does live in each culture as if he was really born in US or UK or even Paris for example. The horizons for him are unlimited ones as he did work in more than 5 fields like translation, interpretation, editing, proofreading, teaching, writing, content writing, designing, and subtitling.

all of this will not deny the fact that he is a human without all of the Earth labels of studies, certificates, and works that he does have in his bag on this planet. 

what are your interests?

Interests :



Translation , Helping people Design Websites , Online Marketing , Writing ,Reading, interpretation, reading books, writing novels,  Learn New things and Experience new things in life . 

what are your Favorite Quotes , Movies, and characters

Favorite Quotes :


" If you want Something the whole world will Conspires to help you " Paulo Coelho –Alchemist 


"Be the Change that You want to see in the World " Mahatma Gandhi 


" You learn Something new Every day If you pay attention " Ray le Blond 

Favorite Movies

Ae Delhi Mushil- Indian movie 

Five Feet Apart- English Movie

Favorite Character 

Severus Snape-Harry Botter Series

قارئ و مترجم منتهياً برحال تائه بين الكلمات في كون الترجمة بكل ما يحمله الترحال من معنى الشوق والغربة هذا ما أصف به نفسي مترجماً، وأما ترجمتي فاسمها هو الجرم الصغير الذي انطوى فيه الكون حيث ما يعتري مخيلتي بثلاث كلمات: الترجمة، و القراءة، وكوب قهوة. من ألهمني لأصبح مترجماً ليس شخصاُ ولكن قدري الذي كتبه الله لي حيث قادني بكل خطوة لهذا الكون المليء حبا وشغفاً فألهمتني 

 الكلمات التي ألهمت محمود درويش وغسان كنفاني ونزار قباني وزكريا تامر وغيرهم وألهمني ما قرأت عن بيت الحكمة في صباي حيث أسس العرب علم


reader, translator , coffeeaholic  , deep, sensitive, consecutive and simultaneous interpreter , literature reviewer, and multlingual. being characterised like this will let you live on this planet as a traveller who is lost between cultures, languages, and words with all of the feelings of longing to homeland, homesickness, and losing settlemnet.


This is what I can best describe myself with as  a small star, planet , or a star of universe, but within me is enfolded the entire universe .

what I believe that paradise is a cup of coffee, novels with all languages, translation, and a calm violin music.



what ispired me to be a translator is my destiny not any person. This destiny that made me discover the universe of translation deeply to the extent I fall in love with the lost feelings and with the idea that nothing is waiting for me except the hug of the sky to be settled there. to find peace, after being a refugee on this planet , a refugee who feels that he is not belonging to any place or corner even here .


diving deeper than all humans in other's writings to be able to live all the lives that any human here can live and to try to feel all of human feelings. The words of Mahmoud Darwish, Ghassan kanafani, and other writers  are my identity here. as Arab scholars in the Abbasid era started translation and  established all of this , I became more and more lost in this universe with a wierd feeling of adoring  such lost. 

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